What does evangelisation have to do with ‘new media’?

Many times on this site, I have alluding to opportunities to evangelise, despite the focus on this site on digital tools and online media. If you are wondering why this is the case, Fr Mike Schmitz makes a good case for how these things are connected. The main thread that pulls these things together is […]

Who are we trying to reach?

When we are considering our approach, it’s easy to consider the people we know, the people who come to the Sunday service, week by week. However, there is a rising number of ‘nones’ in the religious landscape. This refers to people who choose ‘no religion’, ‘none of the above’ or ‘nothing in particular’ when faced […]

Opportunities in Lockdown

Daniel Wang, in his recent post “Engaging Seekers and Reaching the Unchurched“, talks about the opportunities that have arisen during this lockdown and encourages others to do the same. As Fr James shared during this week’s webinar, some parishes are rising to the current crisis and have done extraordinary things, shifting their ministries and approaches […]

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